1. Познакомить с
организацией заповедниковдля защиты
2.Убедить в
необходимости создания заповедников и зоопарков
Задачи урока:
1.Развитие навыков
монологической речи;
навыков чтения вслух;
3.Развитие и
совершенствование лексических навыков;
4.Развитие навыков
устной речи по теме
1. Организационныймомент.
T: Good morning boys and girls! I am
glad to see you.
P: Good morning our teacher! We are
glad to see you too.
T: How are you today?
P: We are fine. Thank you. How are you
T: I am OK. Thank you. Who is on duty
begin our lesson.Today we shallspeak about animals, zoos and wild animal
parks and discuss what is the difference between the zoo and the wild animal
parks. But first let's practice English sounds and words.
Now I’d like you to play
the game "Interpreter”. Listen to me and give the Russian variant.
1.to save endangered animals 2. to fight
against cruelty to animals 3. to fight for
endangered animals 4. to join a
society 5. all over the
world 6. world peace 7. the animal’s
world 8. the natural
world 9. The Zoological Society of London 10. feeding time
Teacher:. The next game is "Guess”. The task is to name the animal described by
your classmate. Are you ready? Can we start? Please, be very attentive, we
shall check your answers on the screen.
для друга загадки и по очереди загадывают их.
Pupil 1: It is long and green. It can be
very terrible and aggressive. It likes to eat meat and fish. It is very wild.
It lives in the water. What is it? (a crocodile)
Teacher: You can check your answers, looking
at the screen.
Pupil 2: It is big and brown. It likes to
sleep in winter. It has a sweet tooth. It likes to eat honey, berries, fish and
meat. It can swim very well but it lives in the forest. It can be very
aggressive but in the zoo it is funny and nice. What is it? (a bear)
Teacher: Check your answers looking at the
Pupil 3: It is nice, cunning, and clever. It
lives in the forest. It is reddish, it likes to eat cockerels, hens and rabbits
and other small animals. What is it? (a fox)
Pupil 4: It is funny and clever. It lives in
the forest in the trees. It can run, climb, jump very well. It can be big or
small. It likes bananas. What is it? (a monkey)
Pupil 5: It is the second biggest animal in
the world. It can eat 300 kilos of food and drink 200 liters of water. It lives
in Africa and India,
it is kind, clever and very intelligent. What is it? (an elephant)
Pupil 6: This animal is very unusual. It
cannot walk, it cannot run, it cannot fly, it can only jump. It has a front
pocket and in the pocket it carries a baby. It lives in Australia. Name
this animal. (a kangaroo)
Teacher: Thank you. Good work.
4. Речевая разминка.
Teacher: I see that you know the animals
very well. Do you like animals?
Pupils: Yes, we do.
Teacher: Where can the animals live?
Pupils: They can live at home, at zoo, in wild animal’s parks, in the wild.
do you know about London
zoo? (учащиеся
рассказывают все, что они знают о лондонском зоопарке)
Pupil 1: London
Zoo was the World’s first scientific zoo.
Pupil 2: London Zoo was opened in 1828 by the
Zoological Society of London.
Pupil 3:The Zoological
Society of London is fighting to help save endangered animals all over the
Pupil 4: London
Zoo has over 5.000 insects, big and small, walking, jumping, sleeping.
Pupil 5: Today there are more than 8 000 animals in the
Pupil 6: Some are very rare.
Pupil 7: Many of the animals were born in London Zoo or
in other zoos from all over the world.
Pupil 8: You can
see a lot of exotic animals: giraffes and elephants, lions and polar bears,
zebras and crocodiles.
Pupil 9: InLondon Zoo there are many exhibits.
Pupil 10: All animals live in big comfortable cages.
Pupil 11: Zoo keepers feed animals twice a day.
Pupil 12: Many scientists work at the zoo.
Teacher: Thank you. Good work.
5.Работа над текстом.
Teacher: Now I’d
like you to work with the text of Ex.18 p.108 about Whipsnade Wild Animal
Park. Before listening and reading you should read and translate some
difficult and unknown words. Repeat after me.
·endangered animals – исчезающие животные
·the effects - последствия
·human activity - деятельность человека
·the natural world – природный мир
·children's farm – детский зоопарк
·view - обзор, вид
·at a set time - в определенное время
·introduce - представлять
ОК. The next task
is listening. (аудированиетекста)
T:And now let's read the text. Who
wants to start reading? Readin "chain”.
Then 2-3 people read for "good reading”.
Teacher: Thank you.Very well.
6. Физкультминутка.
Teacher: And now have a little rest?
you jump? Show me.
you skip? Show me.
you swim? Show me.
you fly? Show me.
you run? Show me.
7. Обсуждение темы урока.
Teacher: Now you know that animals can live
at zoos, in wild animal’s parks, in the wild. And now let’s answer the
questions Ex.19 p.109 and compare two places of animals’ living.
1. What is the
difference between a zoo and a wild animal's park?
live in the cages in the zoo. Animals live in the wild in animal's park.
2. Why do people keep animals in zoos and parks?
People can learn
and understand more about the lives of animals and they save endangered animals
from dying.
3. Where do animals have more space for living?
Animals have more
space for living in the parks and they feel save and sound.
4. Where do animals have a better place to live and
Animals have a
better place to live in parks, because they can free to run around.
5. Do different animals meet each other in zoos and in
Different animals
meet each other in the parks.
Different animals
don’t meet each other in the zoos.
6. Is it safe for scientists to work in a park?
Yes, it is.
7. Do you think you can learn more about animals at
zoos or at wild animal parks?
Yes, I think so.
8. Why can't you take your pet with you?
It is dangerous
for the pets to be in the park.
9. What do you think is better for animals: to live in
zoos? to live in wild animal's parks?to
live in the wild?
I think it is
better for animals to live in the wild.
Teacher: Thank you.Very well.
8. Защитапрезентаций.
Today we’ll see presentations which you have prepared
about the animals.
Thank you very much. Good work.
9.Подведение итогов урока.
Let’s return to our topic. We were speaking about
animals’ living in zoo and in wild animal park. Now I want you to answer my
questions. Why do people need zoos and
wild animal parks? What is good about them?
There are many animals all over the world who need our
help to survive. That’s why many scientists are working at wild animal’s park.
They are studying the effects that human activities
have on the natural world.
People all over the world are trying to save animals
and birds, insects and fish from death.
People organize wild animal parks where scientists
watch animals and their young.
Pupil 5: People should protect and help the places where
animals live.
Teacher: To sum up
we all must pay great attention on protection of our nature: trees, flowers,
animals, insects and fish. Also we must be kind to animals and take care of
them. Thank you for your work during the lesson. Your marks are… (выставление
10. Домашнее задание.
Ex.16 p.108
Составьте 3-4 предложения о защите животных.
А в заключение предлагаю вам посмотреть
фотографии, сделанные в Лондонском зоопарке и Уипснейде.